Dienstag, 30. Juli 2013

Jin Shin Jiutsu: Training bei Parkinson

Ein probates Mittel gegen die beim Parkinson-Patienten schleichend voran schreitende Kraftlosigkeit ist eine Übung des Jin Shin Jyutsu, die leicht im Liegen einmal am Tag absolviert werden kann:

Self-help process to harmonise the Main Central Vertical pathway
The Main Central Vertical Flow is the source of our life energy. This pathway runs down the centre of the front of the body and back up the spine. Harmonizing the Main Central regularly helps you feel centred and ensures that you will have plenty of energy. Some people find it calming and use it to fall asleep, while others like to use it to clear away the cobwebs upon awakening. For optimum results, do this daily.
Step 1: Place the fingers of the right hand on the top of the head (where they will remain until step 6). Place the fingers of the left hand o your forehead between your eyebrows. Hold for 2 to 5 minutes or until the pulses you feel at your fingertips synchronize with each other.
Step 2: Now move the left fingertips to the tip of the nose. Hold them there for 2 to 5 minutes, or until the pulses synchronize.
Step 3: Move the left fingertips to your sternum (center of your chest between your breasts). Stay there for 2 to 5 minutes, or until the pulses synchronize.
Step 4: Move your fingers to the base of your sternum (center of where your ribs start, above the stomach). Hold them there for 2 to 5 minutes, or until the pulses synchronize.
Step 5: Move your fingers to the top of your pubic bone (above the genitals, center). Stay there for 2 to 5 minutes, or until the pulses synchronize. Step 6: Keep your left fingertips in place and move your right fingertips to cover your coccyx (tailbone). Hold for 2 to 5 minutes or until the pulses you feel at your fingertips synchronize with each other.

Note: The right hand remains on the top of the head while the left hand moves down the body until the final step.
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