Dienstag, 24. Februar 2015

Akupunktur gegen Stimm- und Sprech-Störungen bei Parkinson

Eine brüchige, heisere Stimme und ungenaue Artikulation sind Hindernisse in der Kommunikation des Parkinson-Patienten mit seiner Umwelt. Zwei Akupunktur-Punkte des Dickdarm-Meridians bieten sich als Ausweg an.  LI 17 und LI 18  (LI = D):


   LI 17
Celestial Tripod
Tian Ding   
Sore throat, loss of voice, sensation of something "stuck" in the throat ("plum pit qi").
Tong Ren/Tam Healing System: Used to effect the circulation within the carotid artery.  The left side is used more for physical complaints and the right side more for psychological issues due to the internal connections of the common carotid. Useful for alzheimer's, brain tumors, dyslexia, MS, and many brain issues related to circulation as well as the full range of psychological issues.
Falls into the category of Window of the Sky points within the Tam Healing system

    LI 18
Protuberance Assistant
Fu Tu   
Window of the Sky Point for sudden loss of voice with qi obstruction in the throat.
High blood pressure, for which Window of the Sky Points are sometimes indicated, may also be useful for low blood pressure.
Tong Ren/Tam Healing System: Used to effect the circulation of the common carotid artery as well as effect the vagus nerve.  Due to the connection with the vagus it is useful for lung, esophagus, heart, stomach, intestine and gall bladder issues - reflux, palpitations, digestive issues, etc.
Falls into the category of Window of the Sky points within the Tam Healing system.

Quelle. Yinyang, Chattanooga, U.S.A.

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